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Space, the final frontier.
But seriously – what would we do without it?
Space is the energy that gives us room to do anything and everything. Space is the opposite of a black hole or vacuum where everything gets sucked in without being given a chance to stake its claim and make its statement.
So! Respecting Space feels astoundingly important!
This is referring to all space. Outer space, interior space (as in physical buildings, houses, rooms), and inner space (as in our individual energy fields – our “within”).
Have you checked in with your Space today? Does it feel dusty, smoky, cluttered or congested?
Or is it clear, calm, flowing and free?
If your space (outer, interior and inner – it is all related) is NOT clear, calm, flowing and free, how do you intend to address this? Without these soothing and open qualities to Space, function is pretty much rendered DYS-functional.
So take a moment, take a breather, and check in – and be honest – what can you let go of?
Astra’s funny but effective FENG SHUI rhyme for CLEAR SPACE:
Give away or throw away
9 things every day
Then you never have to say
“Too much stuff is in my way”

Consider a space clearing or energy clearing session with your local shaman!
Here’s to clearing blocks and flowing free!
Soul Flower Shamanic Coaching
– For Self, Business & Community –

It is a week and two days after I would have normally sent out my “weekly” newsletter.
A week ago last Monday, I found I absolutely could not write the newsletter. I was at a loss for words. ME! At a loss for words! 🙂
I waited a day, two days, three days….and I finally realized, oh! I am in a period of extreme Expansion, and I have to wait until I reach the next plateau before I can sit and formulate sentences like a human again.
Yes, I have been living the Spirit life for the past couple weeks…doing just enough human stuff to get by while my Spirit danced a whole lot of jigs and jumped from dimension to dimension.
Woo doggies! It was fun! And now, I am READY. Ready for my next level of life on Earth, and sharing with you all my new projects, and my new level of teachings.
I look forward to dancing the jig of life with you this spring and summer, as we breathe and bloom with the green and spectral colors of the flowers and feathers – botanicals and animals, earthly and of the spirit-plane….
I am grounded to the Earth (so important) and breathing evenly if excitedly…in wait for…?….

Read more:

Have you heard my new radio show?

Check out my first two epidoses: Addressing Fear, and Thoughts and Words Create Our Worlds – here:

Star Awakening Class is a one-on-one student/mentor class between you and me, during which we work on awakening your inner star.
Your inner star is your high-vibrational self – your higher consciousness – your magical essence – YOUR TRUE SELF.
We explore ways in which you receive information and communicate with your inner wisdom, your spirit guides and the Universe.
Class consists of energy work (both learning it and receiving it), spiritual coaching, and question and answer, and is all geared towards your current level of awakening.
Every student is different. Class is carried out at your pace, for your present level. Because of this, Star Awakening Class can be repeated as often as the student likes. We simply continue working where we left off.
Star Awakening Classis a 4-session class. Classes are 2 hours each. Classes are scheduled at times convenient for student and teacher. Class generally meets in my Evanston studio every other week until the 4 classes are complete.
Classes are magical. 🙂
Sign up now:

Take Class Online

For those of you who are long-distance or for whom Evanston is too far, I also offer Star Awakening Class online! My distance work is just as effective as my in-person work. 🙂
Online Star Awakening Class is a 4-week course consisting of weekly reading material, Energy Exercises and meditations, delivered online and geared towards the awakening of your inner star.
Each week we meet online for a 1-hour IM/Chat session for Q & A and spiritual coaching. Weekly email support is also included, as well as a vibrational essence formula for your individualized energetic needs.

Brilliant New Life Coaching is high-vibrational coaching for the person who is ready to be who they truly are, and step fully into the reason they are here in this lifetime, in this body.
As your coach I work one-on-one with you to restructure your approach to living and Being as you discover what it is to vibrate at your fullest potential.
I imbue into Brilliant New Life Coaching everything I have ever learned about energy and energy work, awareness, vibration, spirituality and shamanism in order to bring you into your wellness from the very core of your soul outward. 
This coaching program is for you if you know, without a doubt, that you are here for a purpose–and you are ready to make the commitment to yourself to Be Who You Are. To Be in Your Truth. To shout from the rooftops:
For, being who we truly are has GLOBAL IMPACT.
As we transform individually, the energy around us changes, thereby positively affecting the energy of the person next to us, and their energy positively affects the person next to them, and so on. We are the pebbles dropped into the water. The ripples grow outward as we become who we are.
As we become who we are, one shining individual star at a time, we improve the world, the solar system, the galaxies.
As we become who we are, the stars in the sky rejoice and sing Alleluia.
There is not one life form or energy form that does not experience joy when a human fully steps into the reason they are here.
Don’t you?
(Did I mention I can already see you vibrating at your highest potential?)

Brilliant New Life Coaching

9-Month Master Coaching Plan

Sessions can be in-person or long distance via Yahoo!Messenger or Gmail Chat.

Included each month, for 9 months:    

            Three 75-minute Coaching Sessions 

            Weekly email support   

Also included throughout the 9 months:

Energy work and specialized vibrational essence formulas (up to 5 as necessary, in dosage bottles and sprays) for your vibrational support.

-This high-vibrational program is a Whole Life Overhaul during which we cut away the “dead wood” from all aspects of your existence – physical, mental, energetic, emotional and on a soul level!
Each month reveals a new level of your brilliance during which, with my assistance and side-by-side coaching, you gain mastery over that level.
Month 1 is the physical. The health and condition of your body, from head to toe. Working on connecting with and knowing your body so that your soul’s house can be in proper shape and you can move forward with why you are here! This month also includes your physical space. What is your living space like? Your work space? Time to declutter, let your space breathe (as our spaces can breathe, so can we!) How to clear your space, and use aspects of the ancient art of feng shui to make your space come alive and work FOR YOU!
Month 2 is the mental. Remember: Our thoughts and our words create our worlds! How would you LIKE your reality to unfold? Begin changing thought patterns, speech and word choices and start seeing results immediately!
Month 3 is the energetic. Learn how to clear your aura and chakras of any energetic blocks standing in the way of proper energy flow. When our energy flows properly, we experience WELLNESS!
Month 4 is the emotional. What are your emotional patterns? What makes you feel joy? Love? Happiness? What throws you into a tailspin and pushes your buttons? Learn how to address and extract the unhelpful emotional patterns so they are issues no more; and welcome in and sustain the helpful.
Month 5 is the SOUL. Learn to unhook from anything standing in the way of soul wholeness. Learn to locate and reintegrate soul parts that may have separated due to past trauma.
Month 5 is integrating months 1-4. Integration is always necessary when you have done deep work on any level. Deepen and ground your abilities to care for the wellness of your body, space, mind, energy field and soul.
-Month 6 is your relationship with your Self. Look deeper into once and for all unhooking from old unhelpful learned belief systems, behavior patterns and mind-sets that were never truly yours to begin with. Learn what your True Self thinks, feels and desires.
-Month 7 is your relationship with others. Partners, family, friends, coworkers, employees, employers. Having done the coaching work for months 1-6, how have your relationships taken shape, changed, and/or improved? What are the areas that still could use work? Learning to once and for all unplug from unhelpful relationship patterns, and attract and sustain helpful relationships.
-Month 8 is your relationship with the Universe (also known as Source, Spirit or God – I like to call it the Universe, or Love). What is your spiritual life like? Do you take time to meditate, pray? Are you familiar with your spirit guides, such as angels, Archangels, ancestors and totems? Do you feel connected in this way? Working on these aspects. Meeting and working with your spirit guides (or more of them. Having your team of helpful spirit guides in place!).
-Month 9 is your Soul’s Path. Or what I like to call: Your True Job. We have all had jobs; however, we come into this body in this lifetime with a purpose. Many don’t connect with their soul’s true purpose, and so get stuck doing a job that they don’t enjoy, because they feel like they have no choice – or they don’t realize they have a choice. You DO have a choice. In the world today, it is of utmost importance that each of us connects with our True Job – for our own soul’s health, and for the health of the Earth and all its inhabitants. We have all come here to bring our special gift to this lifetime. When we are connected to our soul’s purpose and doing our True Jobs, we are connected to our Joy and living in Prosperity. We are Happy.
The best gift we can give to others is being happy ourselves! The best example we can be to others is if we live now as our True Selves in our Brilliant New Lives!

For Fee and Payment Plan go here:
Email now to step into your Brilliant New Life!

BE WHO YOU ARE – Workshop to Support You in Becoming Your True Self
When: Sunday, May 2, 2pm-5pm
“The purpose of our lives is to be happy.” –The Dalai Lama

It is our birthright to be our true selves, know and follow our soul’s purpose, and live in our joy. When we are true to who we are, happiness comes naturally.
In this workshop we will:
–Identify and release energy blocks in our chakras and bodies.
–Identify and release unhelpful learned belief systems and mindsets.
–Bring in and integrate the energies of Love and Abundance.
Energy work will be performed by me as necessary throughout the workshop.
Fee: $45. Space is limited. Email now to reserve your spot and for location details:
Evanston location – Soul Flower Studio.

New! INTERIOR ENERGETICS – Feng Shui & Space Clearing
Using our vast knowledge of energy, space clearing and feng shui, we help transform your living or business space into a clear, revitalized haven.
Kat has been studying and practicing the art of feng shui for 20 years. She holds a wide knowledge of energy and color, and how they work together in a space to create flow, vivacity and wellness. She is also a powerful energy worker.

She brings to the table her education in art, dance, movement, Pilates, and energy to gift our clients with a richness of beauty and freedom within their space.

Kat is the director of InSideOut Pilates and also the owner and proprietor of InSideOut Movement Studioof Evanston.
Astra is a shaman gifted with the ability to bring balance, flow and wellness to spaces, humans, animals and nature.

She has been studying and practicing energy work and space clearing for fifteen years, and is a certified energy healer and vibrational essence practitioner.

Astra holds a wide knowledge of feng shui, and integrates this knowledge with her gifts of vision and clairsentience to know “just what is needed” for the wellness of a space or client.

Astra is the owner of her Shamanic Wellness practice, Soul Flower Wellness, the director of her school, Star Mastery Alliance School for High Vibrational Beings, and the creator of her line of channeled vibrational essences, Soul Flower Essences & Sprays.

My goal in working with clients is to assist them in being who they truly are. I assist in the releasing of old and unhelpful thought patterns, behaviors and belief systems that humans tend to adopt and take on over time from outside sources: parents, teachers, authority figures and society or “group think” energy in general.
The way I work is through my own technique of transformational Shamanic Wellness Coaching that I have developed over the years which includes intuitive/spiritual counseling, energy work, extraction, Power Animal Retrieval, Soul Retrieval, flower essences and other vibrational essences.
I consider the practitioner/client relationship a partnership — I don’t do something for the client, rather I work together with the client, and allow them to be empowered by their own discoveries as well as channeling and communicating universal information that is pertinent to the session, and that the client is meant to hear at the time.
I assist the client in uncovering, discovering and recovering their inner-star so that they may shine as they are meant in this earth body in this lifetime!

To set up a session email:

For more information about sessions, services and classes go to:

The only way you can change a situation is to change yourself.

People often sit around wishing others were different. Wishing circumstances were different.

All this brings is frustration.

The only way we can have any effect on what is outside of us is to change what is inside of us.

This can mean releasing old thoughts and belief systems. This can mean deciding something or deciding against something. But do SOMETHING.

If you want anything to be different.



I am very happy to bring you my new blog, Ever-Changing Earth. I decided I wanted a blog separate from all of my various websites, as soon the sites themselves are going to become more streamlined, and most of my services will be advertised from one main site.

For those of you “reading” me for the first time, my name is Astra. I am a shaman and a life coach, and I specialize in helping people work with the higher vibrational energies that are coming in or are here now. Now is the time to be who we truly are, and do what we are truly meant to do (what I call our “jobs”) in this lifetime on earth.

The earth is returning to the ways of the ancient indigenous people, but with a modern twist–this is why such a vast amount of humans have been losing their jobs doing what they used to do. It is a wake-up call to find your soul purpose! No longer can a living be made in integrity unless we are fulfilling our purpose. I see this purpose in my visions as a beautiful column rising up out of the planet, and the old energies falling off the column by the wayside, leaving the smooth gleaming column to represent the new world energy.

Everything is becoming streamlined.

More on all of this soon enough. I want to say thank you for stopping by, and I am looking forward to sharing my visions and channeled information with you all!



Star Mastery Alliance School

My School

Ever-Changing Earth

July 2024

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Ever Changing Earth